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Individual Health Insurance

The Individual Health Insurance is intended for the individual health insurance coverage for him or herself. The health insurance company consider several factors in basing the premium.

Family Health Insurance

The Family Health Insurance is intended for the members of the family. This includesfather, mother and children up 18 years or 26 years if enrolled in an academic program or trade.

Corporate or Company Health Insurance

The Corporate or Company Health Insurance is designed for companies with 5 or more employees. All eligible employees receive health insurance benefits for themselves and their families up to 4 children 18 years old or 26 if enrolled in school fulltime.

Group Plan

The Group Health Insurance is designed for groups with minimum 50 members. This insurance is intended only for the members of the group, and does not include their family members. The group health insurance has the ability of purchasing power, meaning the more members in the group the lower the premium. Group health insurance is less costly than individual health insurance, because you have the buying power of the group. All group members must participate in the program.


The TISHIP is designed to promote healthy student population in the universities and polytechnics. The cost of health insurance is low because the students participate in the program as a group, thereby using their power in numbers to reduce the cost of health care. All students enrolled in the school are eligible to receive coverage under the plan.

Diaspora Family Plan

The Diaspora Family Health Insurance is designed for family membersof Diaspora communities resident in Nigeria. The premium may be paid in Naira or the currency of the diaspora member whichever is convenient.

More Plans


Basic Health Plan

Individual                                        N18,500
Couple                                             N35,500
Couple plusfour children                N80,500             


Basic Plus Health Plan

Individual                                  N20,500
Couple                                       N38,500
Couple plusfour children           N90,500              


HI Compact Health Plan 

Individual                                      N25,500
Couple                                           N46,500
Couple plusfour children               N100,500              


Deluxe Health Plan

Individual                                 N150,000
Couple                                      N250,000
Couple plusfour children     N340,000             


Execute Health Plan

Individual                                 N300,000
Couple                                      N550,000
Couple plusfour children     N950,000             
